iOS Sound notifications are quiet

I’ve been able to load custom sounds on my iPad and get HA to play those sounds. But even with the system volume at 100% and notification volume set at 100%. The sounds are quieter when played by the Home Assistant Companion App for iOS.

I’ve tried toggling the “Change with Buttons” in the iOS preferences for ringtone and alerts.

I’ve tried in my yaml:

      sound: BFDO.wav
      volume: 100 (also tried 255, 10, 9, and 100%)

however, I still get quiet audio when played back in the HA companion app for iOS.

Any ideas for gettting 100% volume in the app?

I too stumbled across the same issue and cannot figure out why is quieter… I’ve set volume: 1.0 as i think that represents max but still quieter than just playing the file from the files app…

Did you find a solution for this? Thanks!