iOS Widget for Home Assistant via Scriptable

This is simple, you can query arbitrary sensors. On your computer (I use a Mac) you can query it (for example) using curl in

curl --insecure -H 'Authorization: Bearer *--{Your HASS Long-Lived Access Token here}--*' -H 'content-type: application/json' https://*--{HASS IP}--*/api/states -o states.json

You can beautify the JSON output using an online service like:

You can then explore the output and search for your sensor of choice.

In the widget you need to edit line 23 to 31 and later (maybe) also line 203 and 206 depending on whether you want to return an integer, float, or string.

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This is amazing! Thank you!
I’ve been using your example to start building out my main hass dashboard into a native iOS view.

The cars card looks nice, and the small camera preview works well. Next up is to format the larger image to show more rich data.

Thanks again for getting me started on this! Amazing.


Would you mind sharing your script for your camera view there? Looks pretty amazing!

It’s a bit simple and crude to be honest - I have various automations that take regular snapshots and store them locally. So the widget just grabs the locally saved snapshot and uses it for a background image on the widget.

let img = new Request (url + "/local/snapshot_front.jpg")

    let image = await img.loadImage()

    widget.backgroundImage = image

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EDIT: This worked for (json[i]['attributes']['attributename']);

Can I somehow get attribute values to show as well?

When I paste the code into scriptable, I get:
Error on line 28: SyntaxError: Cannot declare a const variable twice: ‘widget’

I got some errors about line 21 but changing it to what it is now fixed those. (colons to semicolons and remove commas)

let widget = await createWidget();
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
    await widget.presentSmall();


async function createWidget(items) {

    /* Get data from API */
    const tempImg = await getImage('temperature.png');
    const humidImg = await getImage('humidity.png');
    const logoImg = await getImage('hass-favicon.png');

    let req = new Request("")
    req.headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer my token", "content-type": "application/json" }
    let json = await req.loadJSON();

    /* Parse data received from API */
    let data = office; {} kitchen; {} freezer; {}} = addData(json,, ['sensor.ble_temperature_upstairst_and_h', 'sensor.ble_humidity_upstairst_and_h']); = addData(json,, ['sensor.ble_temperature_downstairst_and_h', 'sensor.ble_humidity_downstairst_and_h']);
    data.freezer = addData(json, data.freezer, ['sensor.freezer_average', 'sensor.freezer_difference']);

    /* Create the widget */
    const widget = new ListWidget();
    widget.backgroundColor = new Color("#03a9f4", 1.0);

    /* Design the widget header */
    let headerStack = widget.addStack();
    const logoStack = headerStack.addStack();
    const titleStack = headerStack.addStack();
    const tempImageStack = headerStack.addStack();
    const humidImageStack = headerStack.addStack();

    /* Add a logo icon */
    logoStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#03a9f4", 1.0)
    logoStack.cornerRadius = 1
    const wimgLogo = logoStack.addImage(logoImg)
    wimgLogo.imageSize = new Size(20, 20)

    /* Add the name of this Home Assistant */
    const titleLabel = titleStack.addText("Booker St");
    titleStack.setPadding(2, 0, 0, 0);
    titleLabel.font = Font.heavyMonospacedSystemFont(12);
    titleLabel.textColor =;

    /* Add a temperature icon */
    tempImageStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#03a9f4", 1.0)
    tempImageStack.cornerRadius = 1
    const wimgTemp = tempImageStack.addImage(tempImg)
    wimgTemp.imageSize = new Size(20, 20)

    /* Add a humid icon */
    humidImageStack.backgroundColor = new Color("#03a9f4", 1.0)
    humidImageStack.cornerRadius = 1
    const wimgHumid = humidImageStack.addImage(humidImg)
    wimgHumid.imageSize = new Size(20, 20)


    /* Add the sensor entries */
    const bodyStack = widget.addStack();

    /* First, the label column */
    const labelStack = bodyStack.addStack();
    labelStack.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
    labelStack.borderWidth = 0;

    addLabel(labelStack, "        Office:")
    addLabel(labelStack, "     Kitchen:")
    addLabel(labelStack, "    Freezer:")

    /* Second, the temperature column */
    const tempStack = bodyStack.addStack();
    tempStack.setPadding(0, 3, 0, 0);
    tempStack.borderWidth = 0;

    addTemp(tempStack, data.freezer)

    /* Third, the humidity column */
    const humidStack = bodyStack.addStack();
    humidStack.setPadding(0, 5, 0, 0);
    humidStack.borderWidth = 0;

    addHumid(humidStack, data.freezer)

    /* Done: Widget is now ready to be displayed */
    return widget;

/* Adds the entries to the label column */
async function addLabel(labelStack, label) {
    const mytext = labelStack.addText(label);
    mytext.font = Font.semiboldSystemFont(10);
    mytext.textColor =;

/* Adds the entries to the temperature column */
async function addTemp(tempStack, data) {
    const mytext = tempStack.addText(data.temp + "°F");
    mytext.font = Font.heavyMonospacedSystemFont(10);
    mytext.textColor = Color.white();

/* Adds the entries to the humidity column */
async function addHumid(humidStack, data) {
    const mytext = humidStack.addText("(" + data.humid + "%)");
    mytext.font = Font.mediumMonospacedSystemFont(10);
    mytext.textColor = Color.white();
    mytext.textOpacity = 0.8;

The following function is "borrowed" from:
Retrieves the image from the local file store or downloads it once
async function getImage(image) {
    let fm = FileManager.local()
    let dir = fm.documentsDirectory()
    let path = fm.joinPath(dir, image)
    if (fm.fileExists(path)) {
        return fm.readImage(path)
    } else {
        // download once
        let imageUrl
        switch (image) {
            case 'temperature.png':
                imageUrl = ""
            case 'humidity.png':
                imageUrl = ""
            case 'hass-favicon.png':
                imageUrl = ""
                console.log(`Sorry, couldn't find ${image}.`);
        let iconImage = await loadImage(imageUrl)
        fm.writeImage(path, iconImage)
        return iconImage

The following function is "borrowed" from:
Downloads an image from a given URL
async function loadImage(imgUrl) {
    const req = new Request(imgUrl)
    return await req.loadImage()

/* Searches for the respective sensor values ('state') in the API response of Home Assistant */
function addData(json, room, sensors) {
    room.temp = "N/A";
    room.humid = "N/A";
    var i;
    for (i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
        if (json[i]['entity_id'] == sensors[0]) {
            room.temp = Math.round(json[i]['state']);
        if (json[i]['entity_id'] == sensors[1]) {
            room.humid = Math.round(json[i]['state']);
    return room;

The code runs without editing the things you mentioned. I’m guessing you tried to copy the code from the HTML version of GitHub, use the RAW version instead.

Thank you that got it working. DO you have any idea of how to get the data through nabu casa instead of locally?

According to: Remote UI

You can use your “https://{replaceme}” as URL.

let req = new Request("https://<replaceme>")

Thanks! Got it all working

1 Like

Hey there,
Does anyone knows a way to set a server in the widget.url = „homeassistant://navigate/…..“ with URI? Or does anyone know a way to interact with homeassistant by clicking on the widget?

Im trying to get to an overview page for my fuel prices out of the widget:

Greetings to all of you:)

Wow, great script! Is there a way to keep the values updating every few seconds?

While in theory possible, see this link, it would drain your battery and is not recommended by the author of the Scriptable app.

Scriptable API Doc:

const nextRefresh = + (1000 * 30); // add 30 second to now
widget.refreshAfterDate = new Date(nextRefresh);

Before you refresh the Widget too often, double check that Home Assistant’s /api/states also updates it’s values fast enough.

Im having trouble getting this to work. Im getting a “error data couldn’t be read in the correct format”.

I tried the troubleshooting steps above and I have the token as well as the “401 unauthorized” error even pasting in my URL.

I tried the short script to get a list of my entities and it’s giving me the error “Syntax Error: unexpected identifier ‘insecure’”

curl --insecure -H 'Authorization: Bearer *--{xxxtokenxxx}--*' -H 'content-type: application/json' https://*--{MY.SERVER}--*/api/states

Any help would be appreciated!

Looks like you tried to enter the cURL command into Scriptable app? This cannot work. cURL is a command line utility, that you type into your macOS/Linux/Windows terminal. I’m pretty sure there is also cURL for Windows 10, but it will require some special steps before you can use it. There is no such thing for iOS/iPadOS and your screenshots look like you are trying to do this on your iPhone/iPad?

If all this command line foobar is nothing for you. You can also use a REST client, for example for Google Chrome and debug your requests there.

Thanks - I misread the post and was trying in scriptable via macOS and iOS.

I can try in terminal later and try to keep tinkering to get the main API to run.

Is this still a valid method or is there any easier method existing nowadays?

This is still the only method I’m aware of. With iOS16 there is a new lock screen widget (and Scriptable supports it too yay) but it is super tiny, haven’t found a good use case for it yet.

More on the lock screen widget here:

Thanks @m33x.

When trying, I get an error from within scriptable saying:
Exception Occurred.
Error: The URL is invalid.

I’m quite sure my URL is valid. I have tested it with the Bearer key from postman and it gives me the expected sensors. Any idea of what’s wrong.

This solution is just too good to just be left, without really trying