I was using 22.5.4 on ubuntu20.4 on a Odroid N2+, all working, until I upgraded the OS to ubuntu22.04, and ended up in a mess, now using 2022.8.7 and there are a lot of changes, All my Sheely and TPlink devices are found and I can sort out the automations.
But I have two IOT4 devices, one temp sensor which is on the Hot water heater, and the other a relay , which I can replace with a shelly. But I need the temp sensor.
My original configuration.yaml had
#IOT4SH01DS temperature MQTT topic
- platform: time_date
- 'time'
- 'date'
- 'date_time'
# - 'date_time_iso'
# - 'time_date'
# - 'time_utc'
- 'beat'
# - platform: state
# entity_id: sensor.time
- platform: moon
- platform: mqtt
state_topic: "/iot4/IOT4SH01DS_A03625/temperature"
name: "Hot Water Temp"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
I’ve looked at the docs and I think all I need is just the “state_topic”
Alternately is the there a generic integration I could use for this sensor , as since the upgrade it just sits there in a disconnected state from the mqtt broker, and I cant connect with mqtt explorer, and nmap doesn’t show port 1883 open, but it must be as the Shelly and TP Link devices using mqtt are working
Could I have some help with this please
I’m stuck here
in your doc the example is
# Example configuration.yaml entry
- state_topic: "home/bedroom/temperature"
in my configuration .yaml
I have
-state_topic: "/iot4/IOT4SH01DS_A03625/temperature"
yet when I check the config I get
Invalid config for [mqtt]: [-state_topic] is an invalid option for [mqtt]. Check: mqtt->mqtt->sensor->0->-state_topic. (See /home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 215).
can someone help please
This is getting very frustrating.
My configuration.yaml entre
- name: "Hotwater temperature"
state_topic: "/iot4/IOT4SH01DS_A03625/temperature"
unit_of_measurement: "C"type or paste code here
Configuration check error message
Error loading /home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml: while parsing a block collection
in "/home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 80, column 5
expected <block end>, but found '?'
in "/home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 81, column 5
log entry
while parsing a block collection in "/home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 80, column 5 expected <block end>, but found '?' in "/home/odroid/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml", line 81, column 5
My entry is taken from the examples in
It seems the only way I can fix this is to purchase Shelly temperature sensors, which have cost my GBP40
My IOT4 sensor and switch are connected to MQTT, by HA ignores them
from MQTT explorer
app = IOT4
version = 1.9.7
host = IOT4SH01DS_A03625
ip =
mac = 68:C6:3A:A0:36:25
rssi = -62
uptime = 95400
freeheap = 21136
vcc = 3398
status = 1
temperature = 37.6
Why change formats when there are not broken and not help users when they get stuck with a new format ???