Iotty smart switch and plugs

Please need integration…hope soon.

At least vote for it then? :thinking:

Also can you provide any links and/or documentation how the api of that product works? :page_facing_up:

EDIT: Checked (one?) of their sites and they seem to selling (5A) wifi wall switches for $100 a piece :joy: Obviously they are produced in china for probably much less than $10 - would call that “value added reselling” - just what is the value? HA compability isn’t it (yet) by the looks of it… :put_litter_in_its_place:

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As it states in the pinned post, what is exported by the individual coordinator software or device is not in scope for the feature request category. You need to contact those contributors for help with those.
More about Feature Requests.

In this case we have no information if it’s zigbee, wifi, zwave, lora, RF, or bluetooth (or proprietary) so nothing we can do with this.