IP adresses plan

Hi all,

I’m new here and want to get started with home automation. But want to do it right from the start.
I was wondering how you guys assign your iP adresses.

Do you assign them all automatically with DHCP or do you use static addresses for everything.

Do you have different ranges of iP addresses for your sensors, phones, etc etc…

I hope you would share your setup with me.

Thanks in advance.


There isn’t just one “right” way.

As for me, I leave all my devices to dynamicly set up with DHCP, then assign static IPs in my router. I like this approach because it puts their management all in one place.


Basically I assign static IPs on the PI that hosts HA (obviously), then on the devices I track (smartphones, tv, and ESP sensor nodes), and on devices that require to specify their IP for the implementation in HA (like yeelight bulbs).

It is not even necessary to assign IP for the devices I track, but it allows me to only do the nmap tracking on those IPs, which speeds up the process instead of looking for the whole domain.

I was thinking about that. Just use DHCP on my router and assign them static IP addresses there using their MAC added.

I know there isn’t just one right way but I am trying to find the “best” way for me and hoping to get inspiration from your examples :slight_smile:

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