IP Camera integration problem


I have an IP camera ( NIP-169408-CAFFB) (NeoCool Cam) and I’m trying to integrate with Home Assistance.
I’m using the following configuration:


  • platform: generic
    still_image_url: http://192.168.XXX.XX:XXXX/index.htm
    name: cam
    username: XXXXXXXX
    password: XXXXXXXX

Until now I just got a message error “cam(Error loading image)”.

Could anyone help me please?


the .index.htm does not seem to be the correct path for the image, what happens when the URL is entered in the browser?

Hello ELGRANDE72!!!

thank so much for your reply!
If I use this path (http://192.168.XXX.XX:XXXX/index.htm) I can find my camera and have access to it… Can you tell me what is missing to have the camera working with home assistant?

My camera it is similar like this is one:


I need to say that I’m using home assistant running on a 64 bit machine with windows 10.
Does this influence to not have speed test and my IP camera to not work?

The URL should be about http://192.168.XXX.XX:XXXX/snapshot.cgi?User=[USERNAME]&pwd=[PASSWORD]

Find the right path here:

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
With your comment and installation of ispy I got the correct path… My model of the camera it is P2P.
With this, it shall be used:
