I want to TCP commands to my BluRay by means of a script. The commands are:
52 45 4d 4f 54 45 20 45 4a 54. These commands do work using Packet Sender. The equivalent ascii is REMOTE EJT
So I wrote a shell script that looks like:
echo -e “\x52\x45\x4d\x4f\x54\x45\x20\x45\x4a\x54” | nc 48360
Script executes, but nothing happens. No messages
Suggestions please
You could try something like the below that I used to push data to my Sony PJ. For reference, I used PacketSender to verify it worked and then popped into a telnet switch… Not sure if there is a Telnet Button which might be better for your use case?
- platform: telnet
port: 53595
command_on: "power \"on\"\r\n"
command_off: "power \"off\"\r\n"
name: "Sony Projector Power"
timeout: 3
and yes I know the post is 2 years old, but it might still help