iPad Companion App - Dashboard Views Blanking


I have been using Home Assistant for a little over 2 years now and decided to resurrect an old iPad Air to use as an ‘Entryway Control Panel’, however I am experiencing an issue with the companion app.

Specifically (and randomly), the dashboard view (doesn’t matter which one it is) blanks all of the cards causing me to ‘pull-down-to-refresh’ to bring the view (and cards) back. Please note, that even when I refresh the view, it continues to blank. Sometimes the view stays available, for example, for 18 seconds or a day. I have attempted to log the time between the ‘blanking’ but it is so random that I can’t accurately establish any type of timeframe/reason for the issue.

Note: I also use the Companion App on an Android Tablet as well as my iPhone, and this issue has not occurred on either of those devices - it seems that it is only occurring on two of my iPads.

Please see the attach video for what exactly is happening.

Any insight as to why this is happening is greatly appreciated.


Home Assistant - iPad App Issue

iPad Air gen 1 maxes out at iOS 12 which likely means this is this issue.

It is not occurring with just an iPad Air; it is also happening on an iPad Mini. Granted, these devices are over 4 years old - is this really an issue with older iPads?

If it’s running iOS 12 or older, it is likely that issue. You can pull to refresh to ‘fix’ it temporarily, but it generally happens the first time the page loads.

Any work-arounds?