Iphone message to include topic

I have a NodeRed flow for all my doors/windows so if one is open and we are not home, a message is pushed to out iPhones.
This is what I have:

   "title": "Security",
   "message": "A door was opened",
   "data": {
       "subtitle": "Doors",
       "push": {
           "sound": "alarm.caf"

I know that the msg includes the specific door/window:

topic: "binary_sensor.s_kitchen_2nd_door_contact"
payload: "on"

How can I include the specific door? “kitchen_2nd” in the message?


   "title": "Security",
   "message": msg.topic & " was opened",
   "data": {
       "subtitle": "Doors",
       "push": {
           "sound": "alarm.caf"

or perhaps a bit nicer:

   "title": "Security",
   "message": msg.topic.replace("binary_sensor.", "").replace("_contact", "") & " was opened",
   "data": {
       "subtitle": "Doors",
       "push": {
           "sound": "alarm.caf"

Which should return s_kitchen_2nd_door was opened.
But perhaps this does not work with your naming convention?

Thank you! it works great!!! I only had to add a $ before the replace.