Iphone presence - disconnection from router

Hi guys,

I am new in Homeassistant. I come from OH, where I had A LOT OF problems and then I decided to move to Homeassistant. The best I did. AWESOME!!! It is very easy to setup and works pretty good for my setup.

The aim of this post is because my wife changed from Android to Iphone last week and now the presence in the Iphone does not work as in Android. I have read several post and I know that Iphone for this matters is not very suitable.

Here is the picture of the presence, there are a lot of disconnections and connections, you can compare with my phone (Android)

I have activated location in the iPhone and reinstalled the app a few times to grant access in the iphone.

Do I need a special config to avoid that Iphone disconnect from the Wifi? Is it an issue in the iphone or maybe I can solve it from Homeassistant side? I have Fritzbox router and always presence worked PERFECT.

Any clue? Any solution?

Thank you.

We faced this problems too, with my iphone and an Android from my wife. Because of the power saving modes, its nearly impossible to acurate track if an iphone is at home.
Because of that, im using a combination of


  • iphone integration (mobile_app:)
  • device_tracker - platform: iphonedetect
  • device_tracker - platform: nmap_tracker

Supervisor Plugin room-assistant for BLE

All Sensors goes into the supervisor plugin Better presence

This add-on makes a combination of trackers to get better tracking capabilies in home assistant Checkout https://philhawthorne.com/making-home-assistants-presence-detection-not-so-binary/ as inspiration

my config for better presence

log_level: debug
  just_arrived_time: 300
  just_left_time: 60
  home_state: home
  just_left_state: Just left
  just_arrived_state: Just arrived
  away_state: not_home
  - id: stefan_pbt
    friendly_name: Stefan
      - device_tracker.stefans_iphone_2_2
      - device_tracker.4fd90c36_c476_4fe8_bde0_a509d645d57e_tracker
      - device_tracker.3c_2e_ff_1f_94_81
  - id: steffi_pbt2
    friendly_name: Steffi
      - device_tracker.oneplus_a6013
      - sensor.oneplus_6t_room_presence
  - id: leonas_pbt
    friendly_name: Leonas
      - device_tracker.iphone

it looks like this

as you can see, even if the nmap tracker cant find my phone, im still at home.

I see, thanks I will have a look the links to build on this way.

Danke dir!

no worrys^^

i forgot the matching automations:
This sends a message if someone is changing the status (arrive, away)

- id: steffi_presence
  alias: Notify on Steffis presence change
    platform: state
    entity_id: device_tracker.steffi_pbt2_presence
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.state != trigger.from_state.state }}'
  - service: notify.slack
      message: Steffi is {{ trigger.to_state.state }}
      title: ''
        - type: section
          block_id: section567
            type: mrkdwn
            text: ':raising_hand: *Steffi* is *{% if trigger.to_state.state == ''home''
              %}back{% else %}away{% endif %}. {{ trigger.to_state.state }}* \n <https://halink/lovelace/iphone|Homeassistant> '
            type: image
            image_url: https://halink/local/images/steffi.png
            alt_text: Steffi