iPhone Tracking no longer working

I recently re-created my entire HA installation from scratch as this was easier than finding and deleting the lines of redundant scripts/code. Long story short, all is good except my iPhone integration. The iPhone location never changes from Home to Away (or vice versa) anymore nor are the automations I had been using in the old install triggered when I leave/return home. However, both automations will trigger when I execute the “Reload” menu option under Configuration/Integration/Mobile App. After such “reload” the device history will show “home and/or Away”

iPhone tracking under my old iHA nstall was superior to any other platform. It was the most reliable device tracking I have ever had and really want to get it going again

I suspect I missed a step during this re-create but cant find or determine what/which. My Home/Zone seems fine. Is there anywhere else I should be looking?