Iphonedetect integration missing

Trying to learn the best way for presence detection. There is an integration, iphonedetect, located here: https://github.com/mudape/iphonedetect

Added this to my configuration.yaml:

  - platform: iphonedetect
    consider_home: 60
    scan_interval: 12
      track_new_devices: true

When I check the configuration if gives the following error:
Platform error device_tracker.iphonedetect - Integration ‘iphonedetect’ not found.

Here are the particulars of the install:
Raspberry Pi 3 B+

Version 2021.1.5
Installation Type Home Assistant OS
Development false
Supervisor true
Docker true
Virtual Environment false
Python Version 3.8.7
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 5.4.79-v7
CPU Architecture armv7l
Timezone America/New_York

Just saw that this requires HACS to work.

It doesn’t require HACS, but it does require you to install it :wink:

You need to manually, or using HACS, copy the required files to /config/custom_components/iphonedetect then restart HA

As Tinkerer said it doesn’t require HACS. You MAY need to add it manually to the device tracker yaml file though… It didn’t automatically add it for me but the component works great

Can you give me an example of how to use this? I have it downloaded, and the entries in my configuration.yaml.
I just don’t know how to reference the entity. Nothing shows up when I try to add a card.
I have added static IPs for the devices in my router.

Thank you

It’s configured via the GUI now image

You have to create a directory called iphonedetect in /root/config/custom_components and add these four files from https://github.com/mudape/iphonedetect/tree/master/custom_components/iphonedetect
init.py const.py manifest.json
pycache device_tracker.py

[core-ssh iphonedetect]$ ls
init.py const.py manifest.json
pycache device_tracker.py
[core-ssh iphonedetect]$