I now have a DS Lite internet connection by my carrier. There are some topics about that, but no much and not about hassio.
So my question:
How can I get access from outside my network to my hassio instance?
I have a duck dns setup, but the ipv4 does not help me. So I read, that I need the ipv6 of my raspi and use that for the dyndns, is that right? If yes: Where do I get the ipv6 for my raspi?
Have you found a solution yet?
I got it to work that my Hassio instance on the pi updates the duck dns IP with the public ipv4 address of my pi. SSL is working, but I cant ping neither my duckdns address nor the public ipv4 address. Ping on the pis ipv6 works fine though.
I’m tired of trying at this point. THe whole thing doesn’t seem to work with ipv6 and ds-lite tunnel.
If you want to access hassio from the outside on a DS-lite connection you have different choices.
If you are able to always use IPv6 to connect from the outside you could put a reverse proxy like Caddy or NGINX in front of hassio. This way hassio also becomes available on IPv6 connections.
If you can’t ensure to always have an IPv6 connection you could use Cloudflare to act as a bridge between IPv4 and IPv6 for free.
Another alternative is to use a server that is accessible via IPv4, connect your hassio host to it using SSH and proxy your connection that way.
You could also wait until the hassio’s cloud subscription supports it or you use alternatives like webhook relay (both not for free though)
I had the same problem, but it was not a big deal to change it.
My ISP (1&1 - Germany) changed the internet connection from DS-Lite (dualstack) to a normal IPv4 DSL.
I had also to fight with the problem IPv6/DS Lite for a long time. I want to to reach Home Assistant locally by its IPv4 address and also from the internet (only IPv6 possible). Finally I have found a really easy solution to fix this problem.
I like the supervisor of Hassio. The addons are really easy to use. Since I have a Intel Nuc, I installed Home Assistant supervised but a normal hassio image also works.
Add the following lines to the configuration.yaml:
Go to Cloudflare and create a AAAA record with the IPv6 address from your hassio server. Then add some CNAMEs e.g. “hassio” or “home” in Cloudflare. Tutorial
Install the Traefik Addon and follow the docs to finish the setup.
Create a dynamic.yaml as described in the addon docs. In the dynamic.yaml replace hass.io with e.g. hassio.mydomain.tk. Replace also the IP addresses below of services: with your hassio servers IPv4 address.
Forward port 80 and 443 for your hassio server in your router.
Enjoy . Now your hassio server should be reachable from the internet.