Hi folks,
I have the problem that iq_notify
notifies only the first mobile_app
in my group
- platform: iq_notify # the platform to use
name: familie # alias name for notify.{name}
time: 2 # time offset in which we assume someone "just left/arrived" or "is staying"
pairs: # a list of presence entities are corresponding notify services
- entity: device_tracker.pixel_4a_mob
service: mobile_app_pixel_4a
- entity: device_tracker.redmi_note_7_mob
service: mobile_app_redmi_note_7
- entity: device_tracker.patriks_handy
service: mobile_app_patriks_handy
- entity: device_tracker.pixel_6_pro_mob
service: mobile_app_pixel_6_pro
I trigger an alert
by an input_boolean
and the only app that’s notified is the first in the list. (in my case the pixel_4a)
name: Stoßlüften
title: Handlung nötig!
message: Die Terrassentür sollte geschlossen werden
entity_id: input_boolean.trigger_stosslueften
state: "on"
repeat: 15
can_acknowledge: true
skip_first: false
- familie
mode: only_home
Does anybody have an idea what went wrong?
Last week everything worked quiet fine.