iRobot Integration

Hi all,

I am trying to add the iRoboto integration to my ha instance.

I go to integrations and install the iRobot thing. It asks me for IP/ Hostname and the BLID. I have both and enter them here.
Then it asks me to press the “Home”-Button on my Roomba what I am doing. Shortly after I am getting “Connection refused” in the logfile:

2021-06-04 13:25:04 WARNING (roombapy) [roombapy.roomba] Unexpectedly disconnected from Roomba, code Unable to connect to Roomba at
2021-06-04 13:26:26 ERROR (roombapy) [roombapy.remote_client] Can't connect to, error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
2021-06-04 13:26:26 ERROR (roombapy) [roombapy.remote_client] Can't connect to, error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
2021-06-04 13:26:26 ERROR (roombapy) [roombapy.remote_client] Can't connect to, error: [Errno 111] Connection refused
2021-06-04 13:26:26 ERROR (roombapy) [roombapy.remote_client] Unable to connect to
2021-06-04 13:26:26 WARNING (roombapy) [roombapy.roomba] Unexpectedly disconnected from Roomba, code Unable to connect to Roomba at

Well, I have double checked settings and there is not firewall rule blocking anything in between the ha and the roomba. nmaptells me, port 8883 is open. I even did a packet trace which discovered some SSL related error:

SSL certificate validation failed with (unable to get local issuer certificate)	
CN=iRobot-5719918A4BCD4F54B116D7353D6E9D88,OU=Production,O=iRobot Corporation,L=Beford,ST=Massechusetts,C=US

Well, does not make sense to me. I bet it is an official certificate. But why is it not able to verify?

However, the installation then stops.

Can I install the integration manually and then edit the configuration file to match BLID and so on?
Note: I run the ha appliance and do not have console access.

Thanks for any ideas!


Did you figure this out? I’m having a similar problem. Strangely, I’ve got two Roomba and one is working fine, the other not.

I’m getting the same “Can’t connect” errors trying to setup new Roombas. I can ping them, but nmap scans on them doesn’t seem to give any open ports. They look entirely “dead” when nmapping them. I can connect to port 8883 though using netcat.

@knebb How did you do a “packet trace”? Want to see if I am running into the same certificate issue.

Interestingly, I am able to run the following command without issues. Will even provide me the password when I go through the steps:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME_OR_ID python -c ‘import roombapy.entry_points; roombapy.entry_points.password()’ ROOMBA_IP

I’m trying to create an automation using my i7+ that starts when I leave the house. How do I create a condition that makes it only run if it has been more than 24 hours since it last ran?