iRobot Roomba configuration

Hi all,

So after a couple of tries to get my BLID and password for my Roomba 960 following this tutorial, I finally managed to find both and added them to the configuration.yaml file like so:

   - host: "<hostname>"
     blid: "<BLID>"
     password: "<password>"

After doing so and restarting my server, I got a message that a new integration had been found. So I went to the integrations page and found the following:
When I clicked “configure”, I had to re-enter all the data that I had already entered in the configuration.yaml file… (host, BLID, password). After I did this I pressed submit and it took a couple of seconds to load and threw an error at me:

Can someone explain to me why I have to enter the data twice, and does anyone know what I could be doing wrong here?

the integration existing in configuration it is useless to declare in config.yaml. You must delete your declaration then go to the integration, press + search roomba and configure it