iRobot Roomba i7+ Configuration using Rest980

Thank you so much for doing that. And my wife thanks you also. :slight_smile: More on that later.

It was a mess getting it back into order. For the future whoever comes across this thread. As stated, I did save the map before the factory reset. I was able to restore the said map. If I tried to run do a single room from the app, that would work, but from HA it would just bang around some and then go home and throw an error. My first thought was the id got reset, but after commanding a couple of rooms, they were the same. Out of desperation, I told it to do the whole house, after 8+ hours, including several charging cycles, I noticed it was doing some rooms over and I sent it home. Then the next day, after charging, I did just one room from HA and it worked. There is a second map in the app and I am afraid to touch it. :slight_smile: I am glad to get the HA just one room working again. @Syrius your work has been rock solid. I added a date/time entity for each room, so as long as that room was commanded from HA, the date-time when that room was cleaned is tracked. There is a python script that is fired when the last person leaves. That script looks at all rooms that have not been cleaned in x days, then sorts that list according to weight for priority, then cleans that room. That is why I really needed to get the one room thing working in HA. :slight_smile:

So when the empty bin sensor was messed up, it would just mark that room as clean. The wife noticed she was getting finished messaged that was no way it could have been finished. That and the fact that you could tell it was not in that room.

I may have shared this story here, the thread is so long and I am old and forgetful. As the joke goes, I can hide my own Easter eggs. Sunday school class was recognizing birthdays and anniversaries. The teacher said to the wife, I hope he got you a diamond. She said, no he got me a Roomba. My wife jumps in and says, “Girl, that is so much better than diamonds.” And that is why I have to keep it working. :slight_smile:


Hey, I got the card to show up, but when I click on any of the buttons I’m getting “Failed to call service rest_command/vacuum_action. Service not found.” error. How can I fix this?

My map hasn’t shown up in months, is the map function broken at the moment? Or did something change that i need to modify to keep it running?

Have you followed all the steps in the GH Repo? you should have a new service called rest_command.vacuum_action → you can check this in developer tools, services tab.

yes, its broken :frowning: (good call, ive updated the first post to include this also)

MAPPING STATUS :rotating_light: :rotating_light: :rotating_light:

Please note - location data is currently broken in iRobot FW 3.20.x +
This is being tracking in the dorita980 repo.

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Question about adding a room to the vacuum.yaml - I added a room that I had missed during setup and selective clean isn’t working. I checked rest980 to verify that the rid was correct and it is. The only thing I can think may be causing the issue of it not cleaning that newly added room is that its rid is the same as a different area’s zid. Thoughts on how to troubleshoot? I double checked that the formatting matched the other rooms.

Watchmen report seems to be indicating the entities are missing (they are located in vacuum.yaml at the lines mentioned. I specifically call the dining room one in lovelace and it shows up so it must exist… Confused as to what to try

Also, how are you using/creating the vacation boolean?
Help with sensor.vacuum_maint would be nice as well.

The input_boolean.vacuum_clean_ entry here is just where you are stripping the leading part to identify the room. .

I still have the map of my home show up, but not the overlay of the vacuum progress, i.e. not visualizing the robot paths…

hi @Syrius

My i7 is naughty.
I’ll send her to the bedroom and i7 will clean my hallway.
I thought there was something wrong with the map and the regions.
I started fixing, wanted to find out the new numbers “rid” and “zid”.
I used:
http://<ip or fqdn of docker host>:<rest980port>/api/local/info/state
I have access, the page is displayed to me, but unfortunately the values “rid” and “zid” I can’t go on it.

What am I doing wrong?
Is it because I ordered the i7 to clean up everywhere in the mobile app?
(When he’s done, I’ll try to enter each room separately in the mobile app. I’ll see if I get a new “rid”.

Please advise.
Thank you



Yes, it is necessary to send the vacuum cleaner gradually to each room and from the address:

http://<ip or fqdn of docker host>:<rest980port>/api/local/info/state

get gradually new “rid” and “zid”

I seem to only find instructions to install this using docker, if my HA is installed on a pie with the HA os, how would i proceed to install those cards? I installed “roomba vacuum card” using HACS, but i cant seem to add the cards to the dashboard. anything i’m missing?

The first post of the thread includes a link to install it using an addon. You have to first add the repository below to the addon store:

I did follow it already… everything seems installed… but i cannot add the roomba-vacuum-card on my dashboard (it is installed, but not listed when i try to add a card) am i missing something?

I am using rest980 for my Roomba S9+ and rest980_2 for my Braava M6. They do connect and I get info from them. The issue I have is that on rest980_2 for the Braava I am not getting any MQTT messages. The rest980 reports MQTT messages “vacuum_main_*”. HA detects the vaccum_maint messgaes and connects them to the sensors. But I cant seem to get any from the rest980_2 instance.

I tried to search for “generic” on this thread and did not see anything about “IP Camera via Configuration.yaml” Maybe I need to do a different search.

I have this warning with the new HA.

  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: !secret vacuum_map
    content_type: image/png
    name: Roomba

This is the only place where I see I have used it. I assume we have to put that into the UI somewhere, just not sure at this point. I am not very familiar with the UI, guess that is going to change. :slight_smile: With the issues, we are having with the map display, I am wondering what is the best way to deal with this short term and then when the dust settles long term.

You have to set up generic cameras from the UI, which can be found in Settings → Devices & Services. Then Add Integration:

@moto2000 Got it. Here is my try.

If I use a browser it does work. So I think the issue is with the password. I don’t see any way to shut that off.

What are these first icons ?
and how do I translate the ‘Due in 1 week’ buttons ?

This number indicates how often your robot is cleaning your floor. Only 1 cleaning (faster) 2 cleanings needs more time and afterwards it is cleaner. This is setup in the original robot app.

When creating a new room, please refer step 6 in the configuration which outlines the items to make the room. When you “enable” the input boolean, make sure its correctly getting added to input_text.vacuum_rooms so its sent as a command to the robot. (check FAQ item 12 for details on how this works)

im not sure why watchmen is indicating these are missing? :man_shrugging:

the vacation input boolean is used in conjunction with the cleaning schedule automations as a “pause” if you are on holiday for example

there is no “sensor.vacuum_maint” this is a prefix to group all the maintenance sensors when checking if any maintenance is due

yes, refer FAQ item 12 for details

yeah, its still broken per irobot removing the attributes.

yeah if you use everywhere then it wont list the rooms.

you have to create the card manually, check step 8 in the instructions

the mqtt messages are not linked to the rest980 images, these are generated from the check_button_sensors.

yeah so these are now meant to be configured in UI, at some stage ill update the instructions, but its not criticial right now given there is no map to display.

the first icons represents the cleaning passes - A (Auto) 1 (Daily Clean, single) or 2 (extra clean)
the second icon shows if there is maintence items due

refer the check-button-card repo here

I understand that the sensor is created and mapped towards the mqtt message. The problem is that when I use MQTT Explorer to see the messages there is no messages at all from the rest980_2 image (which is used for my Braava M6). I see the messages from rest980 (used for my roomba S9+).
I thought I would see the messages without creating the sensors. (I have also created the sensore but they do not get any info (I guess since there are no MQTT messages to caputre).

No biggie, it was more me since I have done everything through the yaml it is taking some time to connect the dots doing it in the UI. Finally got it. :slight_smile:
Thanks again for all you have done.

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