iRobot Roomba

I actually was using a Mac Mini when I ran into the issue as well. I migrated to a Docker install a few months back, and when I added my Roomba it all worked fine.

Interesting! Must be something about the file structure or maybe a missing dependency.

So your component will draw a maap too? I have a 980. Thanks

Any idea why the warning messages

CV or numpy module not found, falling back to PIL
PIL module not found, maps are disabled

appear on console during the start and not go to HASS log? See also issue#11890.

Hi there! I would like to add wifi to my iRobot Roomba 876. Is there an easy way to add it?

I recognize I’m a little late to the party here, I’ve got the integration working, and it’s quite solid. I was thinking it would be nice to have the location, and mapping, data displayed along side the integration, however while Roomba980 has the mapping code in it, roombapy seems to have removed it entirely (so the above suggestions of adding various extras to vacuum/ clearly don’t work any longer).

So I guess my ultimate question is to @pschmitt since mapping was removed from roombapy, is there a recommend (or suggested) way to get the position data and dump it into mqtt or something else so that other things can make use of the data?

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