Irsap integration

Hi everyone,
I have a heated towel rail (Jazz) from irsap (an Italian company) which has developed an app called irsap now (Intelligent Wireless Heating System | IRSAP NOW ) which communicates only via google home or homekit.
I was wondering if there is the possibility of downloading the information from Google Assistant to Home Assistant to get information on the set temperature and maybe be able to set it higher (or lower).
What do you think?

Thanks for the help! =)


I’ve been hoping the same too, their app has a stupid design and it’s really unreliable.
Support keeps saying the WiFi coverage is low - there’s an Ubiquiti access point literally at 2 meters.
Also, as far as they told me, there’s no plan on open APIs or native Home Assistant integration.

Meanwhile I’m controlling it with a smart switch, to turn it on and off as needed.
Sadly I have no knowledge to inspect the traffic shared with the server and build something useful, but I’m willing to help for sure.

about the UniFi AP just chek using the Network app if something is wrong (linked to another AP or similar), about IRSAP it’s garbage for me.

UniFi side is everything great, it’s something with their server I think
Anyway I placed a sonoff switch behind the plug and I’m managing it trough home assistant, quite solved.
And yes, it’s garbage

do you mean timeouts or something else? I encountered some slowness problems, but maybe they depend on my Starlink connection (42ms)

Had a shower the morning I was going to start a one week travel, turned it on with a 1 hour timer to warm the bathroom a little, it was on the whole week. Guess the timer is server side and if the connection is missing or something, it won’t receive the turn off input.
I have a FTTC (performing quite good) and a very high uptime. It’s not on my side, it’s for sure on their.
So screw their app and their server, I set it “always on” in their app and I’m turning it on and off with the sonoff switch. Very stupid design!

Has anyone found something about their communication protocol or their API? Is there something public and available?

Not actually, the support is very rude

Got this today after contacting the support.

The communication protocol of IRSAP NOW devices (868 MHz) is a proprietary IRSAP protocol, therefore - to date - it cannot be integrated with other protocols, either wired (KNX, Modbus, Dali, DMX512, ONVIF standard), or wireless (ZigBEE, Z-Wave).

In order to know if and how to make your radiators smart, you can email our radiators department at support.heat at irsap dot com and provide further information regarding your radiators (model and serial number).

so, as I said, no future integration will be available with this brand

They’ve recently added an IFTT integration which you can connect to home assistant and do basic things like turn on/off and set home/away…
Not the smartest way but it works.
And compared to alexa/google home you don’t need a public instance if you only send event from assistant to iftt (and therefore to irsap)

can you explain how to do so?

My use case is to turn on/off the heater from hass.
I’ve created two ifttt applets triggered through webhooks that call the irsap action turn on/off.
From an automation called by a button, hass calls those webhooks and the magic happens.

Remember that turn on means activate the current program for the heater, while the off means put in winter mode (usually around 10 celsius)

Hi there,

just received a response from the customer service, which i’ll be reporting as is (italian):

“*Per quanto riguarda Home Assistant, posso anticipare che, per il futuro, è previsto uno sviluppo dei prodotti smart che andrà al di là della mera integrazione con Apple, bensì permetterà di integrarci con molti più sistemi (in modo più semplice di come avviene attualmente con IFTTT), ovvero l’implementazione del protocollo di comunicazione Matter.”


Hi Fabio,

can you please keep thread updated if your on any developments? I found myself with one of these very expensive thermosats (Electric Radiator f:5b), after the plumber promised me it was a smart device… I guess it’s a matter of opinion :frowning:

I wish I could return it, but it’s too late. So any new development is very interesting for me!

Thanks a lot

sure, will do :wink:

Hello everyone, I also have three “smart” Irsap thermostats with wifi. I thought I had purchased a good product, but in reality, there’s no integration with Home Assistant. Moreover, do your thermostats also detect temperatures completely inaccurately? From the app, it’s possible to adjust the offset by +5 or -5 degrees, but out of three thermostats, two of them I’ve set to -5 to get a reliable temperature. Occasionally, the application forgets about this offset and displays its own temperature. Is anyone experiencing the same issue?

Hello, everyone.
I am building a new house and, even last year, I had ordered one of these radiators (JAZZ_S WIFI) thinking more about aesthetics than anything else.
Now, that they are about to install it, we realised that the position of the electrical socket is on the left while the wifi module is on the right.
To our dismay, the supplier tells us that there is ONLY the version with the thermostat on the right and nothing can be done about it.
That alone would be enough to make us ask for a product change… but now I find out, reading here, that I can’t integrate them into Home Assistant and that using them with their app is crap.
What a rude awakening! Hopefully I’ll be able to make the return, because the supplier has so far denied us on the phone, let’s see what we can do in person…