Is a Raspberry Pi 3B+ ok for with MotionEyeOS and maybe Pi-Hole?


Can someone tell me if a Raspberry Pi 3B+ is enough for with MotionEyeOS and maybe Pi-Hole?
Now I have running homebridge with eight different plugins on the Pi and there I have no problems.

Thank you for answers!

It depends on how many cameras you have.

I would start with one. Maybe there will be a second one later.

“Enough” is hard to define. Basically it depends on a number of factors: Number of smart home devices connected to, number of cameras, and number of devices on your network (WiFi/Ethernet). Pi-hole, when setup properly, should become your main DNS server (and for some DHCP as well) on your local network. That is going to have a lot of traffic in and out depending on how many devices you have connected and how many blacklists/whitelists.

For my network (50-80 WiFi/Ethernet devices), I run a 3 pi-hole instances on three rPi 3B+s connected over Ethernet to my router (3 = 2 live, 1 spare). They processes TONS of traffic and rules from all my devices, so I wouldn’t dream of adding in anything else that might take away from it’s processing. If one of them dies, I can just swap in the spare.

MotionEye should be fine on a 3B+ with a couple of cameras, but you’ll start encountering issues once you hit 4-6 cameras. If you run it on the same 3B+ as pi-hole, you can figure that you could probably support 1-3 cameras.

As for, I wouldn’t put it on the same pi as pi-hole and motioneye. The reason for this is reliability. If dies (or the pi dies, which does happen), you have three major services that are down. If you can separate them, then I would. Pis chew through SD cards and unless you are planning on running it off of a SSD, then I’d have a few spare cards just as a backup and even a couple of spare Pis as well.

Yesterday I tested together with my ONVIF camera, but I had no luck. I read all of the threads regarding ONVIF cameras and all ended in “not working”. I tested the camera also with motioneye and it is not recognized. So a camera will not work.
I tested the camera also with homebridge and there it is also not working.

I thought that Pi-Hole is not using so much resources. It is running now perfectly on a Pi Zero W. If I can import this external Pi-Hole also in Home Assistant it would be great.