Is a Tuya BLE mesh bridge worthy with a bluetooth-enabled Raspberry Pi?

I have recently bought a partially non-functioning Tuya Zigbee sensor (another one, as it seems to be frequent).

It seems (the whole thread is very confusing to follow, at least for me) that it needs a Tuya bridge as initial pairing, so then I can pair with my Sonoff Dongle-P which is plugged to my Raspberry and working wonders.

Bottom-line: I will try to buy one of these Tuya Zigbee bridges from AliExpress and hope it all works out*. There’s the option to buy a model BLE-mesh enabled, a little more expensive… But I was wondering if it’s worthy for the long run, in case I want to add some BLE sensors in the future? However, the recent BLE integration showed up in my HA, since my Pi already have a bluetooth chip.

Is there any advantage on buying a BLE bridge from Tuya, over the already existing BLE integration? Would that bridge only work for BLE Tuya devices? Do BLE Tuya devices already work with the standard BLE integration?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
As usual, I’m very lost while trying to add a “simple” sensor to my smart home and any help is really appreciated (can’t help but remember of this valid rant).

* My other option would be to go with an uncertain Wifi sensor which would probably be a headache in the long run with its batteries (and it’s bigger, too)… Or tinker with ESPHome and whatnot, as some folks have suggested in other posts and makes no sense for me, at least at this point, since I have not a bit of understanding about that.

Don’t buy anything branded Tuya.


That will be my advice too. Stay far, far away from Tuya. It behaves correctly to the price, it costs. Cheap crap…

Thanks for the kind advice :joy: but I guess that means I’ll be out of luck. I live in Brazil and local stuff is just locally-branded Tuya devices; AliExpress is my only source to buy home automation gadgets, and I can only find Tuya or Aqara things there - and the latter seem to be a bit troublesome as well? Besides being so pricey they’re almost not worth at all.

That all said, I already have some TH sensors and other Tuya devices. It’s definitely a mixed bag, but as I said, basically the only options down here - besides custom devices, which is a no-go for many people, like me.