Is adding multiple Zigbee "radios" possible?


Newbie here.

I have a bought a Conbee III “radio” (what is the correct word for that? “Controller”, “device”?), a motion detector and two Philips Hue bulbs. It all works. I can create an automation with a blueprint so the bulb blinks red when someone sets off the motion detector. So far so good.

Until I move the motion detector to where it actually should be. Then it is out of range.

Multiple radios?

So I have ordered a second “radio”, a HamGeek Zigbee 3.0 Coordinator Router Zigbee Gateway with LAN Port CC2652P with ethernet that I intend to put in the living room where the motion detector will be and where there already is ethernet to my HA in the basement man cave.

But can I even have two radios?

The ZHA configuration screen doesn’t seem to allow for two such “radios”. This is what happens if I click on “Add Entry”:

Will an additional Zigbee “radio” be fine, or does this lead to a world of pain? Is there a better solution?

A string of relays?

A “string of zigbee relays” isn’t really a good fit for our house.

I have a second Hue bulb that I’m not yet using and I’ve tried putting that in the middle between them, but even that is too far. If I move them both closer I can see that the Hue does seem to act as a “relay” (what is the correct word here?), because it stops working if I power off the relaying Hue. And I guess theoretically I could add a string of such “relays”, but this is a concrete and steel stairwell without any power outlets and the WAF (wife approval factor) would drop like a stone if I have to put cables or even devices without cables in the otherwise neat stairwell.

So: Will it work with a second radio? Or what is a better solution?

A Zigbee mesh can only have one coordinator, but a strong mesh depends on having a significant number of Router devices. You only have 2 routers… any range limitations you are experiencing need to be taken with a grain of salt. If the HamGeek device can be flashed so that it acts as a Router device instead of a Coordinator, you should do that as well as setting up the other light bulb.

Typically all Zigbee devices that are mains powered will act as a mesh relay. Battery powered devices will not. So better start replacing all of your bulbs, get a few smart plugs, etc. IKEA used to have a USB charger that was also a Zigbee relay but that seems to no longer be available.

Thanks for your answer.


Perhaps I was not clear. I tried to point out that physically there is nowhere between the basement man cave with the HA and Conbee III controller and the motion sensor where I can put routers. Let alone a handful of routers to have a solid mesh zigbee network.

You can use Zigbee2MQTT to support a second coordinator (radio and it’s mesh). As you have seen, ZHA doesn’t support multiple instances.

Edit: I would only recommend doing this in the right circumstances, e.g. widely separated physical locations.

No, it won’t work with a 2nd controller.

Without seeing your house, I can only wonder whether there’s another location besides the stairway for routers. Most smart plugs work as routers. So, for example, does the room above the man cave have any power outlets? Stick one in there. And wherever else you find an unused outlet between there and the controller. Depending on the size of the house, it shouldn’t take more than two or three. Maybe one would work. As a side benefit, you can plug something into them and make that device “smart,” too. Or not.

Single Zigbee network seems out of the question

I have read Is Zigbee right for you?.

Do I understand correctly that if I flash the HamGeek so it acts as a router instead of a coordinator, that it won’t use the ethernet? In that case it will be useless, because it is much too far away any other zigbee device to hope to join the Conbee III mesh network.

Since I essentially have at least two isolated islands (Man Cave and remote Living Room) without realistically being able to put routers in between I don’t have high hopes for a single Zigbee network covering the basement and the living room.

Multiple Zigbee networks

Have I understood this correctly? (Most posts about multiple controllers are from 2020-2022 and things could’ve changed).

It seems to me that there is an implementation limitation in Home Assistant that there can only be one Zigbee controller in ZHA.

But if I were to use Zigbee2MQTT for a separate controller in each additional “island”, that should work?

Looking for path of least resistance

So far I’ve only invested about €120 and I’m happy to buy new hardware, but I’d like advice on what I’ll be happiest with going forward. My time and peace of mind is more valuable than saving a few €.

I can’t change this particular house and my (brief) experience with how weak Zigbee networks seem to be, it doesn’t look to me like trying to have a single Zigbee network for the entire house will be the happy path.

What would you do if you had N such islands separated by steel and concrete?

Ha! I guess it is worth a shot.

It does look like solid concrete though. But perhaps I’ll be lucky… Here is a photo looking up at the ceiling between the man cave and the kitchen directly above:

Tomorrow I’ll try to install my spare Hue bulb in the kitchen. (The family is sleeping now).

As @Didgeridrew suggested, it might be worth looking into an Ethernet-to-Zigbee router that you can place in a location that provides better coverage for the rest of the house - maybe including the mancave by putting it in the room directly above it .
This depends on the number of Zigbee devices you have in the mancave, of course, if there are any.

“Cave” indeed! Yeah, reinforced concrete isn’t kind to 2.4 GHz. I guess all you can do is see if there are any good spots. I’m not sure if smart bulbs are any better or worse at punching through that stuff. Maybe a smart plug or dedicated router would be worth a try, too.

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That should work.