Is anyone working on integrating weather underground into HASS
Having a personal weather station on WU, I would definitely like to see this as well!
I’m about halfway through a wunderground custom component, I’ll see if I can get it up on github tomorrow.
Let me know; I’m a noob with ha but learning fast and would be glad to help you test.
First pass is up at
Does it matter which plan I choose? I’m going to go with the developer usage level, but was wondering which plan I need to choose or if it matters. I’m psyched to try this out but might not be able to get it set up until tomorrow.
Thanks!! Once I get it running, I will give you a URL to my setup and let you chcek it out.
I don’t think so, I set it to update every 5 minutes (with custom timing as a to-do), so that should work under any plan. I have the Stratus plan fwiw.
Thanks. I’ll set it up tomorrow night and let you know how I make out.
Edit: Couldn’t wait, was too excited - it works! I have some formatting and some conditions to edit out, but this worked first time I loaded it. I want to put it on it’s own view page - I’m psyched to see my own weather station on HA!!
Awesome job kellbot. Once I get it sorted out and looking nice (I want to get the right MDI icons associated with the data monitoring points) I will upload a screen shot. Is there anything I can observe or test for you?
Glad to hear it worked!
If you get the MDI icons set up would you mind sharing them? I’m still figuring out how to set the default icon for each sensor in the component itself, but having someone choose the icons would be handy.
No problem. I did this with the sensors based on the conf example posted by brusc. But not all of the icons are showing because the MDI icons haven’t been updated in a while. Do you know if there is any way to affect the sort of the output? From what I can see, sensors just seem to output in alphabetical order.
Great Job!!! Thank you! Installed and working perfectly!
Just a warning before anyone goes totally nuts with customization in their config file, I think I may need to rewrite this to be a “platform” rather than just a “component.” I’m admittedly still trying to understand the exact differences between the two. But most of what I want to do (specifying MDI icons, for example) I can only find examples of in platforms.
Well, the sensors do show up in the listing so I will try to just add one. I’m at a client site now, but once things calm down a bit I will remote into my HA box and see what happens if I set one of the icons to a custom setting. It worked with the platform so I think it should work.
You should be able to do it in your config, but I haven’t found an example of how to set a default icon for each sensor in the component itself (so that we can all benefit from your icon choosing work).
Well, tried putting the following in my customize.xaml file:
wunderground.feelslike_f: friendly_name: Feels Like icon: mdi:thermometer
Which is basically the same syntax that worked with formatting the output, but sorry to say it didn’t have any effect. Good news is that it did not produce any errors.
Maybe this is one of the differences between platforms and components you mentioned?
We have a open story for a weather component. The idea is that this component is taking care about the transformation of textual information into icons.
I think that perhaps it’s worth to invest the time in the weather component rather than the possibility of heavy customization.
Perhaps is @balloob explaining the difference in this talk or take a look at the development docs.
I had a feeling this was the way things ought to go, glad to see someone’s already thought of it.
Thanks for the link to the talk, I’ll check it out. I’ve read the development documents pretty extensively while working on this and other stuff for hass. They’re a little bit circular, lots of things which only start to make sense once you already understand them. It’s a pretty common issue in documenting fast-moving open source projects. It’s one of the reasons I vastly prefer forums for working stuff out versus chat clients, it leaves an easy-to-search place to answer common questions and figure out what needs to be added to the documentation.
As a vet of a few open source projects including Mambo to Joomla, truer words were never spoken.
I hope this doesn’t end development. I rather like the idea of seeing my PWS in HA.
Definitely won’t end development, I just need to sit down with everything everyone else has done with the Weather component and see how/if I can contribute to that rather than reinventing the wheel. Then we can circle around and add WU as a platform to feed that component.
In the meantime, the code I threw into my own github repo will continue to work as-is.