Is Darksky weather sensor, finnally DEAD

So, Oct 9th, about 2pm, all my Darksky’s sensors flat-lined, at their last value. And if so, what is the recommended replacement Weather intergration? says we have until March 31st, 2023 for API usage. And my sensors are all still working. I think going forward, I’m going to adapt to use the US NWS service, it’s missing a few things I’d like to have - most importantly, the narrative forecast for the next hour - it was nice to read things like “Rain starting in 15 minutes, stopping 10 minutes later”, but I’ll have to live without that. The Apple Weatherkit api would have this, but it’s only available behind their developer paywall, so unless someone else wants to support that somehow, I don’t think it’ll be coming to HA.

Looks like the weather.darksky entity is still working, but I lost all my Darksky “sensor” entities.


So we are quickly coming up to the 31st March, on there website
Update: Support for the Dark Sky API will be ending on March 31st, 2023. Learn more about Apple’s new [WeatherKit API]
The last couple of days It appears to have become Unavailable so I guess the inevitable is almost upon us…

So what are my alternatives?
