Is HACS = Supervisor add-on store = Community Store?

Hi, I’m using HA quite a while but I’m still confused by various namings. There is HASS, HACS and now I want to install the InfluxDB add-on and it says:

Search for the “InfluxDB” add-on in the Supervisor add-on store and install it.

One more store?
I add feature from integration - no InfluxDB.
I have HACS installed - no InfluxDB addon.
Moreover, a “Community Store” is mentioned which should be installed by default. Where in the menus is it?
I run HA as a docker.

This answer didn’t bring me closer to a solution.

HASS == the Home Assistant Operating System

The recommended installations of HA use an Add-on Store accessible from the Supervisor to add official and come curated community integrations.

HACS == Home Assistant Community Store . I believe this is a collection of community addons open to anyone with a GitHub account. I think it is basically an index, directing to various repos.

OK, am I the Supervisor if I’m the admin?. Where in the menus is this Add-on Store? Do I have it if I user docker instead of this HASS OS?

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Click "Supervisor on the left side, then “Add-on Sore”. Scroll down to the “Home Assistant Community Add-ons”. There you will find “InfluxDB”.

They don’t have that with container (see compare link above your post)

Oups ok. Thank you for the enlightment and sorry for the wrong assumption, @Helferlein :crazy_face:

That is not one of the more recommended configurations so the whole discussion of supervisor & store does not apply to your installation. If you installed Home Assistant Supervised on a vanilla Debian install using Docker you would get that added functionality. That is what I currently have installed. You do not have that menu item.

Sorry but HA container is one of the recommended and supported installation methods

Looking at the stats is the second most used above your suggested installation.
Home Assistant Analytics (

That really depends on who you ask

Installation - Home Assistant Lists OS and container as recommended

Personally, I would not recommend supervised to anyone.

I am a former UNIX and Linux admin using this as a hobby and years ago had OS lockup issues with HassOs. I therefore have a preference for a different OS but like the supervisor features.

Without Supervised a new user loses a great deal of HA features that ease usage.

HACS WILL work on HA core or container installations though, I believe.

HACS works on all installations methods
Installation | HACS

Yeah. I got corrected in another thread :frowning:

OK, let’s go back to my question.
We found out that on a docker installation there is no “supervisor”. Is there a way to get add-ons without this menu?

BTW: Docker is a great way not to litter my server with other software…

You cant get the addons per se, but you can install most of them as docker containers, its not a one click install like the addon store does, but its definitely doable

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