Is Hassio sanitizing its installation from time to time?

Asking because my rsync application that I installed last week with

apk add --no-cache rsync

to sync the config to a remote raspberry pie with is no longer there, although the crontab.root jobs I did are still there. Puzzled to understand what happens to rsync…

nothing you install in a container is persistent.

What do you mean it’s not persistent? I’m not too familiar with Docker but how about the hassio /config folder? Hopefully that one is persistent!

the config folder is a mapped volume and persists across updates. The homeassistant docker container will be destroyed and recreated when you update so you can’t install stuff into hassio.

you could have a shell script calling rsync but in general, you need to make sure that command is available in the container. The easiest way I have found is to use Portainer and open a console in the container. If your command works there it will work in a script. Depending on how you installed hassio, you might be able to run other stuff on the host (eg I installed using a generic linux install so you can pretty much do anything and use cron etc. RPi - not possible with the HassOS images)

Data INSIDE a docker container is not intended to be kept. It’s disposable and will be completely removed on every update.

As @DavidFW1960 said it’s a mapped directory to the host.

For more information:

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I installed hassio through the RaspberryPie hassio image so no easy access to the base OS. I guess I could copy rsync to the /config folder and run it from there…

Or run it from the OTHER system and connect over ssh to the pi?

You can try that.

Hmm, didn’t think about that. Make sense and even if I could keep the rsync file, I would lose the /etc/crontabs/root file anyway…

Edit: Also explains why I lost my ssh empty passphrase access. I guess going through the base OS is the only viable alternative option.

yes but you can make a shell command and call that from an automation.