Is 'If it doesn't equal trigger' possible in automation?

I have a automation that checks the humidity of a room, it triggers an alert and a led to show red if the humidity is above 55% but below 60%. I’m wanting to turn the LED off when the humidity doesn’t meet any of the above criteria. At the moment I have the following but would also need another automation for anything above 60:

- action:
  - data:
      entity_id: light.sn1_led
    service: light.turn_off
  alias: Humidity Normal
  condition: []
  id: '1515325872734'
  - above: '0'
    below: '54'
    entity_id: sensor.sn1_humidity
    platform: numeric_state

Is there an easier way to have a ‘if this doesn’t equal’ trigger without having to add multiple automations like above?

Not sure if there is a reason you use above: '0' otherwise I think you can simply change it into 61

I was following the automation GUI and I thought it would require the ‘above’ field to be completed. Maybe not needed if manually entering in the automations.yaml.

Ok, but I just realized it probably doesn’t work as it can not be above 61 and below 54 at the same time.

Yep, thats my dilemma. I would need to create 2 separate automations by my reckoning unless someone else know different.

You can use a time trigger and two conditions above 61 ‘or’ below 54

    platform: time
    minutes: '/1'

Getting the following when entering the above in the GUI:

Message malformed: Invalid time specified: /1 for dictionary value @ data['trigger'][0]['at']

Check this for details on time trigger (example automation 3 and read the warning below). If the gui editor doesn’t work you could do it manually.

Yeah doesn’t seem to except it in the GUI, had to enter manually.

    minutes: '/1'
    seconds: 00
    platform: time

In the GUI is shows as an empty time, bug?

You can have as many triggers as you want for a single automation. Just make two triggers for your off automation. One below the threshold and one above.

Also, the GUI has a lot of problems and in my opinion should never have been pushed to the release side of the code. You are better off learning to edit the files or using something like node-red.

@nordlead2005 I did ot realize that, good to know!