Is is possible to log into multiple Nabu Casa accounts at the same time?

I’ve got a couple of HA instances that I want to be able to monitor remotely. I would prefer to use the VPN capability of Nabu Casa instead of exposing my port 8126 to the outside world, but the iOS app seems to really stumble when trying to deal with multiple NC accounts (which is required because NC can’t handle multiple instances per account, at the moment).

The really baffling part, to me, is that I can’t seem to get more than one server configured with “External URL: Home Assistant Cloud”.

On the device side of things:

  • Both HA boxes show “Logged in and connected” in the Settings section
  • Clicking into “Settings->Home Assistant Cloud” shows “Active user” for different usernames, and “Cloud connection status” is “Connected”

On the app side of things:

  • When I go to the “Companion App” to see the two servers, one server shows “External URL: Home Assistant Cloud” and going into that section just gives me a toggle button to turn that on/off
  • Looking at the other server shows me a text box for an actual URL for “External URL”.

Is there a way to get “Home Assistant Cloud” enabled for more than one server at once?

Joe, I have this working ( if I understand you correctly). I think I configured the external URLs by copying them from the “Nabu Casa URL” in the “Remote control” panel on the Settings/Home Assistant Cloud screen.