Is is possible to move existing HA installation to a new machine?

I want to update my hardware and migrate to a new machine. Is this possible without starting all over again? And is there a procedure to do this? Thank you.


Procedure depends on install method but it’s basically either

Install on new hardware as default. Restore backup

Install on new hardware as default. Stop container. Replace config folder with config from original system. Verify group:user of folder is correct. Start container

Best to use same version for new install to reduce breaking change causing confusion. Update after restore and verify working

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Backup and restore. Worked like a charm for me migrating from an rpi to a nuc. If you can assign the original ip to the new system it is even kore seamless (I had to change a few settings).

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So simple to do assuming HAOS to HAOS on the new machine. I did it in half hour a couple months ago.

  1. Do a full backup of the data on old computer. using Setting → System → Backups. Obviously this backup should be to a USB or network drive. Shut down old computer.
  2. Install HAOS on the new machine. Move coordinators to the new machine. Log into the new machine with homeassistant.local or whatever the new IP is :8123. It will recognize it is a new installation, ask if you wish to restore.
  3. Restore data from backup.
  4. Once restored, I had to do 2 things. First, I changed the static IP of the new machine to match the static IP of the old machine. Second, I found that the location in Settings → System → Storage didn’t get set properly to my Synology box, so I set that.
  5. Reboot

And that was it.

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