Is it needed to monthly reload the system?

Hello. As I know, there can collect small issues in working system, so it is useful to reboot the computer. So, should I use an automation, which will weekly or monthly reboot Home Assistant? Do you use that?
This Home Assistant is for my parents, so they will only use it, not configure new features, that is why I am thinking to make an automation like that.

Considering that the update cycle is currently every two weeks most systems that are kept up to date are restarted about that frequently.

It should not be necessary but might depend on the stablity of any custom components you have loaded.

I recently went away for 6 weeks (no access) and noticed no stability problems on my return.

I hope to be away for over a year next year with only limited remote access :grimacing: I suspect the best thing to do in this situation is not install any x.x.0 updates.

I decided to try out an automation which will restart Home assistant every 2 weeks.

Here is the trigger: (We are not home for 30 min)

- id: '1229209221355'
  alias: 'Auto_restart'
  initial_state: 'on'
  - entity_id:
    platform: state
    to: not_home
      minutes: 30

Now I need a condition, which will check if last reboot was 10 days ago or more. How can I do that?

And here is an action:

   service: homeassistant.restart