Is it not possible to place markdown inside of a vertical stack or entities card?

If I try to place markdown into either one it complains that mapping values are not allowed here

- type: vertical-stack
      title: Irrigation
        - type: markdown
          content: |
            {% for entity_id in -%}
            {% set domain, device = entity_id.split('.') -%}
            {% set entity = states[domain][device] %}
            {% if entity.state == "on" %}
            {% set entity = entity.entity_id %}
            Currently Running Zone: {{ entity[21:] }}
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}

This do what you’re after?

Your indentation is way off.

That is just how it posted for some reason . I understand indention and have it correct in my yaml. Have you actually attempted markdown inside of either one? Just asking.

I got it to work in a vertical stack but I guess you cannot leverage “markdown” inside of an entities card.

If you don’t take the time to post exactly what you have it is very difficult to help you.

You can but you need this:

Thanks. I did not notice it posted formatting incorrectly until you said something. Typically it copies over fine. Just have to make sure I use preview.