I’m migrating away from Athom Homey and to Home Assistant which is by far a more powerful and customizable platform. However in Homey, it is possible to add software based estimated power metering on the devices that doesn’t have built in power metering.
For instance for Sonos zones, Everspring dimmers without metering, etc. you have two custom settings on the device:
Power usage when off: 0
Power usage when on: 140
In the example above, an Everspring wall plug dimmer have a led strip connected which uses 140 watts when brightness is 100%.
That makes it possible to get a much more detailed picture of the current power consumption for all smart devices. A very clever function.
Use the history statistics sensor to total how long your device has been on then use a template sensor to multiply that by the device’s power rating to get an estimate of the energy consumption.
I’ve done, or tried, something like this. It still might be a bit buggy or might need further tuning. But I think it might be a good way to start for you
Start by creating template sensors for current energy consumption
This snippet will use the time, that the lightbulb is on (now() - states.light.lightbulb1.last_changed).seconds)/(60*60) | float) and multiply it with the energy consumption that is stored via an input number (states.input_number.energy_electricity_lightbulb1.state | float)
After you’ve created the sensors, you can add them to the utility meter in order to make use of the advanced features of this integration:
If you want to get more sophisticated, you can adjust the template sensor, by differentiating between on, off, standby, charging, different kind of brightness levels and so on.