Hello everyone,
I use the google_assistant integration to control my gate from Google Home.
My problem is simply that my gate is displayed in Google Home “as Garage” while it is displayed “as Gate” in HA.
While looking through the code for the google_assistant integration on github, I discovered this part of the code that seems to be partly responsible for the wrong device type being reported in Google Home regarding my Gate.
I think another upstream declaration is missing before calling TYPE_GATE.
Would it be possible for a developer to take a look to improve the integration and allow the correct type of device (Gate) to be reported in GooGle Home?
Thanks in advance.
I checked the google home developer documentation and the Gate type is well supported on their side.
May 19, 2024, 11:41pm
Please open a new issue here:
So that the issue does not get immediately closed as a “feature request” frame your issue description around the fact that the entity’s device class is incorrectly assigned rather than requesting support for the correct device class.
1 Like
Ok thank you.
I have never opened any issues until now. I will try to do it.
Hello everyone,
I opened an issue and even updated it since I found the solution by completing the const.py file in the google_assistant component.
(via copy into custom_component)
opened 02:06AM - 20 May 24 UTC
integration: google_assistant
### The problem
**Description of the issue**:
In the Google Assistant integrat… ion, the device class of the entity "Gate" is incorrectly assigned as "Garage". This results in improper handling of the device by Google Assistant.
**Technical details**:
I believe I have identified a part of the code that might be responsible for this issue:
- **File**: `core/homeassistant/components/google_assistant/const.py`
- **Lines**: 173 and 174
![image (4)](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/assets/6303352/d0dc4fda-14c8-4a5d-932b-148a11496df7)
**Steps to reproduce the issue**:
1. Configure an entity of type "Gate" in Home Assistant.
2. Sync the entity with Google Assistant.
3. Observe that Google Assistant recognizes it as a "Garage" instead of a "Gate".
The entity "Gate" should be correctly recognized by Google Assistant as a "Gate".
**Current result**:
The entity "Gate" is assigned as a "Garage".
Thank you for your assistance in correcting this issue.
### What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue?
### What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core?
_No response_
### What type of installation are you running?
Home Assistant OS
### Integration causing the issue
Google Assistant
### Link to integration documentation on our website
_No response_
### Diagnostics information
_No response_
### Example YAML snippet
_No response_
### Anything in the logs that might be useful for us?
_No response_
### Additional information
_No response_
Thank you and see you soon.
I finally managed to do my first PR.
Fork > Create my Branch > update/modify file > commit > pull request
← Bygood91:google_assistante_gate_device_type
opened 09:44PM - 25 May 24 UTC
Update const.py for correctly send Gate device type to Google Assistant.
![Sc… reenshot_20240525_040155_Home](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/assets/6303352/bbd424d5-29d1-426d-8725-d82fb715eac3)
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