Is it possible to change header card icon based on entity state?

So far I’ve managed to change the icon color with cardmod, but I would want to change the icon to mdi:transmission-tower-off when the grid is offline.

type: heading
icon: mdi:transmission-tower
heading: RED
heading_style: title
  style: |
    .content ha-icon {
        {% set s = states('binary_sensor.energy_acsources_grid_active') %}
        {% if (s == 'off') %} red
        {% endif %}

So far I’ve tried iterations of the following without success.

icon: >
  {% if states['binary_sensor.energy_acsources_grid_active'].state === 'on' %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}

Is there a way?

Try this:

    type: heading
    icon: mdi:fan
    heading: xxx
      - type: entity
        entity: sun.sun
      - type: entity
        entity: zone.home
      style: |
        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge {
          --card-mod-icon: mdi:human;
        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(2) hui-entity-heading-badge {
          --card-mod-icon: mdi:account;
        .title ha-icon {
          --card-mod-icon: mdi:car;

Just add jinja templates to do it conditionally.

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This does not work since the Heading card does not support templates.

That worked. Thank you very much @Ildar_Gabdullin

did we already find the correct element to set the size of those badge icons in the header?

is way too small… maybe we have a theme variable for that, need to check.

Also, I want to capitalize the state of that badge, but dint think we can do that either… hmm

  - type: heading
    heading: Ophaaldata
    heading_style: title
      class: class-section-heading
      style: |
        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge {
          --card-mod-icon: {{states('sensor.volgende_afval_icon')}};
          --card-mod-icon-color: {{states('sensor.volgende_afval_kleur')}};
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /calendar
      - type: entity
        show_state: true
        show_icon: true
        entity: sensor.afvalwijzer_next_type
      - type: entity
        show_state: true
        show_icon: false
        entity: sensor.afvalwijzer_next_date

I did test to add:

          --mdc-icon-size: 24px;

to that badge card_mod, but not targetted it correctly yet

this is what I need:

set on the :host:

Wasn’t it already covered in my post for Heading in card-mod thread?
At least for the “main” icon it was. As for other icons - try using same variable for “ha-state-icon” (or how it is called)

that points here…Is it possible to change header card icon based on entity state? - #2 by Ildar_Gabdullin

and no says nothing on icon size :wink:

o wait, maybe you mean this one 🔹 Card-mod - Add css styles to any lovelace card - #7204 by Ildar_Gabdullin

mm, nothing obvious there either. let me find that ha-state-icon


  - type: heading
    heading: Ophaaldata
    heading_style: title
      class: class-section-heading
        .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge $: |
            ha-state-icon {
              --mdc-icon-size: 38px;
        .: |
          .badges hui-heading-badge:nth-child(1) hui-entity-heading-badge {
            --card-mod-icon: {{states('sensor.volgende_afval_icon')}};
            --card-mod-icon-color: {{states('sensor.volgende_afval_kleur')}};

Ive set it out of proportion, to show the option clearly. What’s nice is the rest of the header isnt blown up btw.

next up Ill FR the capitalization of those states, this looks really bad, and not like the second one, which is transformed correctly in the Frontend

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