Is it possible to control Tuya Gateway+valve added?

Hello, I am using HA Tuya Integration right now.
I have all the devices listed except of my watering valve.
It isn’t controlled directly via WiFi, but with a gateway device that arrived with it.
Both the gateway and the valve are displayed on Tuya IoT Platform under devices, but for some weird reason, it is not listed in home assistant.

How to I add it? Are there any other options? Thanks.

(ps: im using ha core on a truenas server)

I had the same problem with my Diivoo water valves - nothing would show up in HA.
Then I deleted the whole integration and went by the HowTo step by step - et voilà: all gateways and valves were discovered.
Useless nonetheless since the devices are added as (unsupported) with no entities. :sob:

Does anyone know if they could be connected directly via bluetooth?
Tuya-convert wouldn’t work (of course - we have 2022 - their countermeasures are in place…).