I use my server for a lot of things, but the biggest thing I use it for is to try and help me out with my life, as I’m sure many others do. But I always run into a problem: see, I have an automation to turn off everything before I go to bed, so that I’ll actually go to sleep, but I always end up turning it off! I have terribly poor impulse control due to a medical condition, so I try and set up my life so that I won’t be put in a situation where I can jeopardize my routines/planning. So I have routines in place that are supposed to push me in the right direction, i.e. morning alarms and night-time shutdowns, except I always turn them off!
So my question is, is it possible to delegate a part of the server to another user, either with node red or standard yaml automations, so that I wouldn’t be able to access them from my account? I have a friend that said they would be willing to help me out, I would just create the account for them then let them change the password.