Is it possible to get the firetv remote input?

I am fairly new to home assistant and with the help of a lot of forum entries managed to integrate lights, tv, firetv and some shelly switches into a already decent working system.
I have a fire tv cube with volume buttons which are unable to do anything on the firetv side because i have the sound from the TV playing over yamaha musiccast system.
So i was wondering if there is a way to somehow get the press of a button as an event in home assistant so i could use it as a trigger.
Firetv is integrated through adb and sending commands works like a charm. The search didn’t bring up anything.
Any help guiding me in the right direction would be appreciated.

similar to androidtv.learn_sendevent where you get the key pressed.
i am as far as seeing the keys pressed in logcat via adb connect and using learn_sendevent where i get a response as well… but then i am stuck.
maybe only @frenck knows

Any chance you found a way to do this?