Is it possible to have a VPN addon, like piVPN?

As in subject. Thanks!


That would be awesome

How did it turn out?

Any news? Are you still on it? I would love to run everything on the same PI.

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I asked a few weeks ago and got no responseā€¦

I am also interested!


Iā€™m very interested also :+1:t2:


Interested too.


Interested too.

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I just installed this onto another Pi ( that is already running PiHole in addition), went straight on and works brilliantly ).

Would recommend PiHole also!

Same settings

What is it that you installed exactly, apart from PiHole ?

Grab your Pi ( or virtual linux machine ) any linux based hostā€¦ and follow this video, this will provide you network level Advert blockingā€¦ no additional plugins needed for pads or mobiles :wink:

When that is done: You can install PiVPN


to install from command lineā€¦ ( remove ā€˜| bashā€™ ) to see what it doesā€¦
curl -L | bash

Follow the promptsā€¦ All done, nice and easy.
You can then download the OpenVPN on a PC and connect directly after you made a certificate for each device. -very easy.

Or you can just install PiVPN if you dont want PiHole.

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Ah, rightā€¦ All nice and dandy, but none of that will work in HASSio. Thanks anyway.

PiVPN/PiHole may be port-able to a Docker unit in HASSIO, but thatā€™s beyond my skill set,
so I just used a secondary PI.

Some paths to start from.

Docker image:

Fork from previous project with support for multiple users:

I have never done this before, but after reading the home assistant documentation, it doesnā€™t seem so hard. Will give it a try if I find some time.


any luck with creating the addon for vpn?
Would be great!

I am also very interested in a VPN addon!

@takje would be awesome!