I was working on upgrading HA yesterday and because if that I was stoping and restarting a few times. Now the 48 hour graph for my refrigerator temp sensor has 1.5F values causing the graph to change the display range from the normal range of 35-37F to 0-37 making the graph look flat lined.
I see several possible options but don’t find a way to configure.
- configure somehow to ignore out of range temp reports. (future fix)
- remove 1.5 entries from saved state. Don’t know how to do this. but would fix the issue now.
- configure history graph card with a fixed display range. I don’t see any options for history graph to fix the display range.
Any ideas on how to solve this?
UPDATE: I was able to remove the bad entry using the following sql.
delete from states where entity_id = 'sensor.fibaro_motion_bedroom_temperature' and state = '1.5';
Would still like to know if there is a way to ignore these on restart. Although at least I have a solution now.