Is it possible to install ESPHome Add-on with HA Core?

I’m running HA Core (2022.9) on Lubuntu. I don’t have the Supervisor menu. Is there any way that I can install the ESPHome add-on? (I have an Atom Lite device and would like to use it for Bluetooth presence detection)

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You can’t install the add-on but you can install ESP-Home. The easiest way is through docker.

Getting Started with the ESPHome Command Line — ESPHome

Thanks - I will check that out.
I hope this isn’t a silly question, but…does the ESPHome hardware (Atom Lite in this case) need to be physically connected to the HA server, or can I install and configure it on a different (Windows) machine? The reason I ask is that my HA server runs on a headless HP Microserver in my loft, so it’s not that easily accessible.

It doesn’t have to be connected to the server. It will download the image to the client and install. After that you just do it OTA.

That’s handy - thanks.
I had previously flashed the Atom Lite and installed the HA ESPHome Integration (but then couldn’t work out how to create sensors with it). Will any of those efforts have been of use with the ESPHome docker solution, or should I just start from scratch?