I have a Fritzbox 7590 and I would like to use it for presence detection (we have the guest network enabled, so normal ping tracker doesn’t work as the main net with my HA can’t connect to the guest net).
However, i don’t want to be able to disable internet access for devices from HA (to prevent network outages caused by accidentally clicking the wrong buttons).
Is it possible to only get the connection status of the devices into HA, no other entities, without manually having to disable the unnecessary entities for each of our 90 devices?
Not sure if this is helpful, but it has this option:
Note : If you don’t want to automatically track newly detected devices, disable the integration system option Enable new added entities .
This ensures that a newly added device automatically has entities added in a disabled state. If you have a smaller set of entities that you do want to manually enable, it’d be a bit less work.
A true read-only mode work be pretty nice if possible, though…
Yes, especially one that is provable by administrators of the FRITZBox, so you could show them the hypothetical “read-only” setting on the FRITZBox itself and prove to them that you (your HA instance) literally can’t do anything other than checking whether devices are connected…
But that would be best implemented in the FRITZBox itself as a new type of permission set (“get data about connected devices” or something like that) so you can have a user that can only read but never do anything problematic to the network…