However, there is a different interface available, called the “0-10V interface”, the HWS-IFAIP01U-E.
In the product description, it mentions the following:
HWS-IFAIP01U-E analog input 0~10V interface for R32 Estia
The HWS-IFAIP01U-E is an Analog Input 0~10V Interface, designed to allow customers to control ESTIA using external 0~10VDC inputs (maximum 3 inputs)
The control can be configured to use either direct CAPACITY control or setpoint temperature (heating/cooling/DHW) adjustment using new DN code
In the appendix manual of ESTIA R32 it also shows that the interface can be used to control it:
And besides “normal control” and “target temperature control” (both of which I have zero trust in by now), a “direct capacity control” is available, which sounds exactly like what’s required to make this heat pump suck just a tad less (by bypassing the internal decision-making process of the heat pump).
This 0-10V interface apparently can be bought for just ~200€, instead of the 600€ of the Modbus interface (which even was at 800€+ almost everywhere not that long ago).
Now for some reason (as seen in the last image) it appears that in direct control mode, the control range is limited to only 40%/50% - 100%, which I do not quite understand, because supposedly ESTIA can be controlled 10%-100%:
Nevertheless, it would probably still be better than the completely random stuff it’s doing right now for me.
Has anyone ever played with or looked into the 0-10V control option, on ESTIA or any other heat pump for that matter? Do you think this would be a feasible approach?
Dear XurxoFB,
many thanks for kind response. That was extremely helpful. My problem was switch S4 which has switches 2 and 3 undocmented so I never dared to move them. Once I turned them all off, unit started to reply. In contrast, S1 was OK in my case since I have hydro-unit “R32” type and that proved, indeed.
I must admit that given the price of €600 for the unit, the technical support from Toshiba is virtually non-existent in Czechia and my installation company was clueless with note they do not specialize on process-control.
Now, the remaining part is to configure the HA server for correct registers, but there is plenty of resources for this and since the modbus is up-and-running that’s going to be pretty relaxing task…
Whish you happy holidays and all the best in the New year.