Is it possible to let automations ignore removed devices instead of stopping?

Few hours ago my tuya roller blind motor up and died, so I removed it from zigbee2mqtt and thought no more about it. As the day progressed I noticed several automations are broken, upon investigation I found out they stopped on the part where they tried to call the cover service with the (now) blank device line.

Stopped because an error was encountered at 26 February 2022, 09:15:20 (runtime: 0.01 seconds)

Unable to find service cover.set_cover_position

I realize now perhaps not removing the device from z2m and then later when adding the new one change it’s friendly name to the same string so as to “replace” it would have been a better course of action, but bit too late for that.

Would it be possible to let automations ignore removed devices and continue to process rest of steps, or is there a good reason for current behaviour?

“Fail safe”?