Is it possible to migrate in Z2M from Sonoff ZBDongle-E to older model ZBDongle-P without re-pairing

I have been using z2m with a ZBDONGLE-E coordinator and I’m not happy with it. Constant problems with unreachable devices and networking issues.
So i ordered the older version - ZBDONGLE-P. I expect a delivery tomorrow.

Is it possible to migrate all my paired devices from Sonoff ZBDongle-E to older model ZBDongle-P without re-pairing?

I saw this in the FAQ FAQ | Zigbee2MQTT and it says this is supported for the Zstack adapter but what does that exactly mean? Is the ZBDongle-E covered?

Also, if migration is not possible - are at least thr IDs of the zigbee devices preserved once migrated? If not that’d mean I have to update all my configurations and automations which I’d like to avoid

How did you solve it in the end?

This forum is really meant for the ZHA integration (Home Assistant’s built-in Zigbee gateway), but check out this discssion in Zigbee2MQTT’s own community forum which contains third-party backup and restore workaround which works as a solution to avoid re-pairing:

You can also search for “migration” here to find other Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M) discuss on that topic: