Is it possible to migrate in Z2M from Sonoff ZBDongle-E to older model ZBDongle-P without re-pairing

I have been using z2m with a ZBDONGLE-E coordinator and I’m not happy with it. Constant problems with unreachable devices and networking issues.
So i ordered the older version - ZBDONGLE-P. I expect a delivery tomorrow.

Is it possible to migrate all my paired devices from Sonoff ZBDongle-E to older model ZBDongle-P without re-pairing?

I saw this in the FAQ FAQ | Zigbee2MQTT and it says this is supported for the Zstack adapter but what does that exactly mean? Is the ZBDongle-E covered?

Also, if migration is not possible - are at least thr IDs of the zigbee devices preserved once migrated? If not that’d mean I have to update all my configurations and automations which I’d like to avoid