Is it possible to play a music playlist in HA from jellyfin?

So im trying to get a script to play a music playlist on my apple tv (the music is on another server, on jellyfin)
this is a working script to play a song, how do i change it to playlist?

alias: play song
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.appletv
      media_content_id: media-source://jellyfin/track~~6ca03dbeffd5dc24e233769d14ee5d5b
      media_content_type: audio/mp3
mode: single

I have tried changing content id and type but… i guess i be blind noob
really appreciate help any pointers in right directon thanks
sorry if its an stupid question but i tried searching but i couldnt really find anything helpful… thanks so much you guys


Did you ever figure this out?

Same question. When building the scipt in the Visual Editor I can see the Playlists in Jellyfin, but it won’t let me select a playlist, only individual songs within a playlist.

Has anyone ever found a solution?

This would be very useful. As is, the integration is not useable for anything other than notifications/alarms. If an album or a playlist can’t be played, or if no queue can be made, then it’s useless for listening to music as such.