Is it possible to reduce time interval to update camera in the Front End

I have put a camera in the front end in order to verify that light states is open or closed correctly. But it randomly takes about 2-12 seconds to see the results. Sometimes it is fast update, sometimes it is slow update. How could I possibly reduce time interval update to 5 seconds. Thanks to you all in advanced and Thanks to this community.

The update frequency isn’t configurable. Would suggest a feature request if you think that makes sense.

scan_interval: 5
is not working for cameras?
It is working for sensors.

Landrash, Danielhiversen Thank you very much for your kind response.

I might be wrong but it seem to be hardcoded

  UPDATE_INTERVAL: 10000, // ms

Please correct me if I’m wrong :slight_smile:

The default value is hardcoded, but I still think you can change it from the config

A camera refreshes every 10 seconds. If you click on a camera, it will show you the live feed instead.

(Disclaimer: at least, this is what I’ve read. I don’t have a camera (yet) myself to test it with.)

Thanks to Landrash, Danielhiversen I have tested with the UPDATE_INTERVAL. It does not change the update interval of the camera. I appreciate your kind suggestion. Thank you, fanaticDavid I try what you suggested it helps me see the change right away. It is very kind of you.