MQTT camera skipping a couple publishes

I made a simple application that publishes thermal camera images to MQTT. Home Assistant then uses that same topic to display the frames.

As you can see in this screen capture (21:9), it does work but HA receives multiple frames through MQTT before refreshing the interface.

Video notes:

  1. Every time my application publishes a frame you’ll see a logged message (about every second).
  2. When I manually connect to the mqtt topic we can see the warning logged by HA (as it cannot decode the payload). This is also printed at the same 1 second pace.
  3. We then see the image not being refreshed on every received frames.

Any ideas?

My configuration is as follow:


group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

  broker: mosquitto

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: inside/thermal1

Oh… It seems it’s actually a feature :sweat_smile:

Now that I know, it actually makes perfect sense.

Sorry about that.