Is it possible to replace strings on YAML templates?

I have a custom card YAML configuration that look like this (but more long)

type: vertical-stack
title: My ESP DEVICE 
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: switch.esp_my_presence_detector_engineering_mode
            name: engineering mode
          - entity: switch.esp_my_presence_detector_control_bluetooth
            name: bluetooth
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.esp_my_presence_detector_move_energy
        name: move energy
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.esp_my_presence_detector_still_energy
        name: still energy

... more here...

Where “esp_my_presence_detector” is the name of an esphome device.

I want to share that exact configuration with other devices, Is there a way to convert that into a reusable template or similar, where I can replace esp_my_presence_detector for another thing? Similar to ESPHOME sustitutions?

There do not appear to be any custom cards in the config you have shown. They are all core dashboard cards that do not support templates (v-stack, h-stack, entities and entity cards).

Yeah sorry. Until now I just have used the existent cards and i do not know exactly how to make reusable ones.

ESPHome 's substitution feature hasn’t been implemented in Home Assistant.

So you’ll need to copy-paste the card’s YAML and do a search and replace on the entity value.


You may want to investigate this custom integration:

It’s like a YAML pre-processor for the front-end.

  1. Use a custom decluttering card.
    Create a decluttering template like
    type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: switch.esp_my_presence_detector_[[SWITCH_TYPE_1]]
            name: '[[SWITCH_NAME_1]]'
          - entity: switch.esp_my_presence_detector_[[SWITCH_TYPE_2]]
            name: '[[SWITCH_NAME_2]]'

and call it like

type: vertical-stack
title: My ESP DEVICE 
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: my_super_template
      - SWITCH_TYPE_1: engineering_mode
      - SWITCH_NAME_1: engineering mode
      - SWITCH_TYPE_2: control_bluetooth
      - SWITCH_NAME_2: bluetooth
  - type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: my_super_template
      - SWITCH_TYPE_1: move_energy
      - SWITCH_NAME_1: move energy
      - SWITCH_TYPE_2: still_energy
      - SWITCH_NAME_2: still energy
  1. Also, you can call this “my_super_template” in auto-entities in a loop for every required device, but suggest you to start with just a simple call of the template (step 1).

Hi thanks for this! It sounds like exaclty what I was searching for.

I can not make it work though. I checked and the The library js file it correctly loaded.

I created this simple template at the top of my dashboard yaml:

    type: vertical-stack
    title: '[[TITLE]]'
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: entities
              - entity: 'switch.[[ESPHOME_DEVICE_NAME]]_engineering_mode'
                name: engineering mode
              - entity: 'switch.[[ESPHOME_DEVICE_NAME]]_control_bluetooth'
                name: bluetooth

and a manual card with:

type: custom:decluttering-card
template: esp_home_ld2410_template
  - TITLE: Technickraum
  - ESPHOME_DEVICE_NAME: esp_technikraum

But on the preview (and after save) I get the error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'esp_home_ld2410_template')

Probably you have not defined decluttering templates properly.
Check docs on github.
Should be kind of

Yes! I also saw that I totally oversaw that. Thanks a lot!