Is it possible to show sensor items as buttons?

Hi all,

I was wondering if you can display sensor items, in this case specifically sensor.sonos_favorites, as buttons.

I have already managed to put the favorites in an input_select with an automation to set the options like this when the sensor.sonos_favorites changes:

"{{ state_attr('sensor.sonos_favorites', 'items').values() | list }}"

Then I can play the favorite with an automation that checks if the value of the input_select has changed. The automation calls the media_player.play_media service:

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_id: >-
    {{ (state_attr('sensor.sonos_favorites',
    'items')|list)[(state_attr('sensor.sonos_favorites', 'items').values() |
    list).index(states('input_select.sonos_favorieten'))] }}
  media_content_type: favorite_item_id
  entity_id: "{{ sonos_speaker }}"
continue_on_error: true

Now I would like to display the favorites as buttons and add the action to play the favorite.
I have tried that with auto-entities (which is probably not even the right card type to achieve this), and that has not been successful yet.

type: custom:auto-entities
  type: grid
  columns: 3
  square: true
card_param: cards
  template: |
    {% set items = state_attr('sensor.sonos_favorites', 'items') %}
    {% for value in items.items() %}
      - type: button
        name: "{{ value }}"
          action: call-service
          service: media_player.play_media
            media_content_id: "{{ value }}"
            media_content_type: favorite_item_id
              entity_id: "{{ sonos_speaker }}"
        show_name: true
        show_icon: false
    {% endfor %}

Does anyone have an idea what I could try next?