I am using a lot the TTS (Nabu Casa @ Greek) and the sensor temperature is not called properly.
The TTS engine cannot read commas.
For example a sensor with 14.9 Celsius, when TTS, the engine will say “fourteen nine Celsius” instead of “fourteen point 9 Celsius”.
So I was thinking if is possible to split the number to the integer and decimal part?
I have similar issue, managed to work out TTS to speak Serbian,
but on the end of sentence (temperature sensor reading) it says for instance ninth instead nine on Serbian.
here is the service call
service: tts.google_translate_say
cache: true
entity_id: media_player.vlc_telnet
language: sr
message: Temperatura je trenutno {{states('sensor.temperatura_sever') | round(1) | replace("."," koma ") }}.